The Spousal Scholarship is set up for only husbands and wives who wish to study during the same time frame. The institution will charge the regular fee to the spouse that is in the higher-level degree program. The spouse in the lower or same level of study may receive a 50% discount on tuition only. It does not apply to fees such as the Application, Graduation, Matriculation, and Portfolio Learning Assessment fees.

  • The scholarship is effective only if the tuition discounted spouse enrolls in the program within 90 days of the enrollment of the
    paying spouse.
  • If a paying spouse withdraws from the school, the tuition discounted spouse must also withdraw or convert to a paid program.
  • The paying spouse must enroll for a minimum of 30 semester hours. Part-time students who pay for less than 30 hours are ineligible.
  • Should the paying spouse enroll for a program requiring more than 30 semester hours, the tuition discounted spouse is allowed only 30 hours. Any credits taken above the 30-hour limit must be paid for separately.
  • The Spousal Discount may not be combined with any other Bethany grants, discounts, or scholarships.