General Statements

Bethany Divinity College and Seminary is a religious institution dedicated to educating pastors, missionaries, evangelists, Christian counselors and other Christian workers, providing them with opportunities to acquire the appropriate skills to carry on the work of their particular ministries. Therefore, all degrees issued by Bethany are exclusively religious and should not be confused with degrees issued by secular institutions of learning. Moreover, the programs of study offered by Bethany are not particularly intended to advance persons in the secular field of employment.

Students who plan to teach should be aware that, since teacher certification requirements vary from state to state, Bethany assumes no responsibility for such certification. However, programs offered by the School will be an important component in the preparation for teaching in a Christian Day School. Those studying in Christian Counseling should likewise be aware that licensure regulations differ from state to state. Bethany’s program in Christian counseling provides an excellent background for students planning to be professional Christian counselors.

The courses of study offered by Bethany are of college and seminary excellence, providing students with one of the most comprehensive off-campus Bible and Ministerial Educational courses available. Through Bethany’s programs, thousands of men and women have been prepared for vocations in the Church and para-Church Ministries.

To further enhance their educational experiences, students may attend on-site courses, seminars, symposiums, and workshops. These are available at the main campus in Dothan, at the Albany Campus in Georgia, through the Canadian Office at Clarenville, Newfoundland, and elsewhere. For those who find the information super highway a daily part of life, additional instruction through on-line classes is available. Bethany stresses the academic and strives to add the practical.