On-Site Training


Realizing the benefits of classroom interaction, Bethany has in place a residency requirement. All candidates for Associate degree programs must complete 6-semester hours in-class. Candidates for Bachelor degree programs must complete twelve-semester hours in-class during the four-year period. Candidates for Master and Doctoral programs must complete six-semester hours in-class. This requirement may be satisfied by attending any of the seminars, symposiums, or workshops, which are taught in intensive sessions both at the main campus, and at other locations. Bethany also provides regularly scheduled On-Site courses, which are available to the student, and are taught Mondays through Thursdays (contact the office for schedule). This requirement may also be fulfilled through the use of Bethany’s Virtual Classroom by use of the internet. In-class courses may be completed at any time during the student’s course of study.

The in-classroom requirements for the undergraduate and graduate programs may be waived in cases of extreme hardship. Students requesting this exemption must address their situation, presenting the circumstances of the hardship with documentation, to the Dean of Students.

The residency requirements may be reduced based on in-classroom transfer credit applied toward a student’s degree program. This reduction is determined when the student’s transcripts are evaluated at the time of enrollment.


Twice each year, Bethany conducts three-day seminars in the Auditorium building at Dothan.   Additional seminars are held in Canada as well as at various locations in the United States.

On-Site Attendance

Those who attend on-site classes will abide by the enrollment procedures as set forth on this web site. A formal application will be made to the office of admissions and the required tuition paid.

The student is required to attend all classroom lectures, take notes, complete all assigned work, and pass the final test as given by the professor. Outside assignments are given to the student to reinforce classroom studies.

Under no condition can the student miss more than three unexcused absences and receive credit for the course. In case of absences, the student should request an excused absence form at the office of the Dean.  Students are expected to be in class promptly. Being late three times counts as one unexcused absence.


Presently, Bethany has under construction several online courses where the student can complete classroom requirements. It is hoped in the very near future the majority of Bethany’s core course subjects will be available on line. It is recommended that the student visit the On-Line web pages at different intervals to see what new has been added.
Click here for On-Line courses.