Ce-102 Teaching Techniques – 3 SH Credit 
Offers the student an opportunity to learn the various methods used to present the lesson material to a class. This course emphasizes pedagogical principles and methods of underlying successful teaching.

Ce-103 Research and Writing – 3 SH Credit 
Required to research an area of Christian Education through reading books, periodicals, and writing. He then presents his work to Bethany. This research is under the direction of an assigned professor.

Ce-104, Ce-204  In-Service Project – 3 SH Credit 
Allows the student to select an area of work within the local church and work under the local pastor. This may be in the area of Christian education or missions. This course is for first and second year students.


Ce-201 Church Agencies – 3 SH Credit 
Allows the student to take a total look at the educational program of the local church whereby one may utilize the entire program of the church for efficient Christian education.

Ce-202 Research and Writing – 3 SH Credit 
Required to research the biographies of great men, pastors or missionaries who have contributed to the work of the gospel ministry or Christian education. The professor will assign the research books. This is a required course for all second year students.

Ce-203 Childhood Education – 3 SH Credit 
Allows the student who desires to work in elementary education to understand the nature and needs of children, understanding their development, methods to be used in educating children, as well as working with exceptional children.


Ce-301 Christian Teaching – 3 SH Credit 
Dealing with methods and means for the Christian educator whether in the church school or Christian day school.

Ce-302, Ce-403  In-Service Project – 3 SH Credit 
Designed to allow the student to select an area of work in the local church and work under the local pastor, or an area in missions, whereby he can get in service training.  This is for the third and fourth year students.

Ce-304 Youth Education in the Church –3 SH Credit 
Offers the student a knowledge of the problems and needs of today’s youth and how to meet those needs. The student is enabled to build a workable, Biblical philosophy of youth work.

Ce-305 Christian School Teaching I – 3 SH Credit 
Designed to help the Christian School teacher be more effective in the classroom. It deals with the basic philosophy of Christian School education as opposed to secular, humanistic education.

Ce-306 Christian School Teaching II – 3 SH Credit 
A continuation of the above course, which will deal further with principles of Christian School education. Also, included are helps that would be valuable to the administration.  Ce-335 is a prerequisite for this course.

Ce-401 Church History – 3 SH Credit 
An introductory course in Church History from its initial beginning up to the present day. The roots of various denominations are traced.

Ce-402 Directed Reading1 – 3 SH Credit 
Pursues an area of Bible through reading books, periodicals and writings. He then presents his work to Bethany. These readings are under the direction of an assigned professor.

Ce-403 Director of Christian Education
3 SH Credit 
Provides the individual who feels the call of God to become a Director of Christian Education with an insight to the duties and skills.

Ce-404 Church Education – 3 SH Credit 
Deals with Christian education in the local church with an evangelical and functional approach. It offers great aid to the pastor, educational director and teachers in the church, providing guidelines for improving the education work of the church.

Ce-405 Old Testament Literature – 3 SH Credit 
Looks at the Old Testament Scriptures in their literary form, content, style, etc.

Ce-406 New Testament Literature – 3 SH Credit 
A continuation of Ce-435 examining the literary form, content, and style of the New Testament Scriptures.

Ce-407 Educational Work Project – 3 SH Credit 
Allows the student to work to conduct an educational project and report their findings in no less than 10,000 words.  The Dean of Students must approve the project.


Ce-401 Church History – 3 SH Credit 
An introductory course in Church History from its initial beginning up to the present day. The roots of various denominations are traced.

Ce-402 Directed Reading1 – 3 SH Credit 
Pursues an area of Bible through reading books, periodicals and writings. He then presents his work to Bethany. These readings are under the direction of an assigned professor.

Ce-403 Director of Christian Education
3 SH Credit 
Provides the individual who feels the call of God to become a Director of Christian Education with an insight to the duties and skills.

Ce-404 Church Education – 3 SH Credit 
Deals with Christian education in the local church with an evangelical and functional approach. It offers great aid to the pastor, educational director and teachers in the church, providing guidelines for improving the education work of the church.

Ce-405 Old Testament Literature – 3 SH Credit 
Looks at the Old Testament Scriptures in their literary form, content, style, etc.

Ce-406 New Testament Literature – 3 SH Credit 
A continuation of Ce-435 examining the literary form, content, and style of the New Testament Scriptures.

Ce-407 Educational Work Project – 3 SH Credit 
Allows the student to work to conduct an educational project and report their findings in no less than 10,000 words.  The Dean of Students must approve the project.