Bl-301 Introduction to Greek – 3 SH Credit

Bl-302 Elementary Greek – 3 SH Credit

En-101 English Grammar – 3 SH Credit 
Principles of effective composition, with those principles applied in paragraph, essay and term paper writing. Grammar is taught primarily in relation to writing practice. The main emphasis is placed on paragraph and essay writing.
En-102 English Composition – 3 SH Credit 
A continuation of essay writing, the term paper, introduction to different types of writing, and some critical analysis of selected literary works.

En-103 English Literature = 3 SH Credit 
Looks at some of the writing of English authors and their importance and impact in literature.

Fm-501 Church Financial Management
3 SH Credit
Challenges, encourages, trains, and teaches church leaders and ministries to lead their congregations to operate debt-free.

Hi-231 History of Western Civilization Vol. I
3 SH Credit
Coverage of European frontiers, global encounters, and the influence of non-Western cultures on Europe.

Hi-202 History of Western Civilization Vol. II
3 SH Credit
Same as Volume II above.

Hi-203 American Government – 3 SH Credit 
Looks at the organization processes and functions of the national government, with consideration of contemporary issues and problems.


Bl-501 Advanced Greek I – 3 SH Credit

Bl-502 Advanced Greek II – 3 SH Credit

Hi-501 Christianity Through the Ages – 3 SH Credit 
A history of Christianity from the perspective of faith.  An examination is made of church history from Roman times to the present day.

Hi-502 Ancient Mid East History – 3 SH Credit 
Provides the student with a well-planned and executed study of Israel from Abraham to the close of the Old Testament.  Attention also is given to the period of time between the Old and New Testaments.

Hi-503 Church History – 3 SH Credit

Ls-602 Research Methodology – 3 SH Credit 
Designed to assist the student in planning a systematic strategy for library research, resulting in less wasted time, missed bibliographies, and overall slovenliness. This course will help the student in preparing to write a major thesis or dissertation.

Ma-101 Basic Mathematics – 3 SH Credit 
Includes a comprehensive review of basic and consumer mathematics. Requires a minimal mathematical background.

Mu-201 Music Appreciation – 3 SH Credit 
A study in the fundamental aspects of music construction with an emphasis on leading congregational music in the local church setting.

Ps-301 General Psychology – 3 SH Credit 
An introduction to the concepts and terms of secular psychology so the Christian counselor might be familiar with the same.

Ps-302 Childhood Psychology – 3 SH Credit 
Deals with the secular terminology of child psychology so the Christian counselor might be familiar with the same.

Ps-402 Adolescent Psychology – 3 SH Credit 
For the Christian counselor dealing with the special problems of today’s youth. This course deals mainly with terminology used with secular adolescent psychology.

Sc-101 Biological Science – 3 SH Credit 
Examines the fundamental characteristics common to all living things. Emphasis is placed upon studies of the cell, energy, metabolism, reproduction, heredity, ecology, phylogeny, and the diversity of life.

Sc-102 Earth Science – 3 SH Credit 
Examines the fundamental characteristics of inanimate matter or energy. This is a broad subject of basic science related to concepts in astronomy and geology.

Sc-103 Physical Science – 3 SH Credit 
Examines the fundamental characteristics of inanimate matter or energy. This is a broad subject of basic science related to concepts in chemistry and physics.

Sp-103 Speech Communication – 3 SH Credit 
A study of fundamental principles and the development of skills in speaking. Includes instruction on audiotape and in residence.