The A.A.R. is awarded to persons completing 60 semester hours of credit in the field of Bible and Bible related subjects. This program is designed to combine the theological knowledge of the General Bible Diploma with the core courses requirements for a two-year degree
(60 SH ).

Those courses marked with an * are required courses and cannot be deleted  or changed.


First Year –General Bible Diploma

En-101     English Grammar * – 3SH
En-102     English Composition ( Take En-101 First) * – 3SH
Bi-102      O.T. Survey * – 3SH
Bi-103     N.T. Survey * – 3SH
Bi-105     The Pentateuch * – 3SH
Bi-107     Manners and Customs I – 3SH
Bi-108     Manners and Customs II – 3SH
Bi-109     The Gospels – 3SH
Ph-102     Beginning Hermeneutics – 3SH
Mi-101     Evangelism – 3SH

TOTAL                                 30SH

Second Year – Associate of Arts in Religion

En-103     English – Introduction to Literature * – 3SH
En-104     English – Introduction to Humanities * – 3SH
Ma-101     General Mathematics * – 3SH
Th-201     Bible Doctrine I * – 3SH
Th-202     Bible Doctrine II * – 3SH
Mi-103     Missions – 3SH
Bi-106     Israel’s History – 3SH
Bi-201     The Tabernacle – 3SH
Bi-202     Biblical Evidence – 3SH
Bi-206     Bible Types – 3SH

TOTAL                             30SH